131st BW Chaplain Corps Members stand ready to provide unparalleled spiritual & life-care to members and their families within the Wing


What do your Chaplains offer you?

United States Air Force Chaplain's Corps emblemOne of the single greatest tools that your Chaplain offers is complete and TOTAL CONFIDENTIALITY.  This confidentiality is unmatched in the civilian or military world. It covers everything! This means you have the freedom to share any burden, concern, trouble or joy with your Chaplain, and that information will never be shared with anyone by your chaplain. You may never need this level of confidentiality, but if you do – just remember where it exists!

In addition to confidentiality, your Chaplains offer nearly 40 years of practical life-coaching pastoral experience. This may or may not be spiritually focused depending on your wants and desires, but it will help enable you to better navigate the waters of life by contributing wisdom gleaned from years of walking with people.

Finally, your Chaplains are committed to ensuring that every member of the 131st Bomb Wing feels free to exercise their chosen faith beliefs. This may include helping to provide for a member’s free exercise or it may be the conducting of various rites and rituals including baptism and performing marriage ceremonies. If you have a need, wish to discuss a particular issue, or just want to be affirmed in your spiritual journey, your Religious Support Team is always available.


10 Ways Your Chaplain’s Office Might Assist You

1. Spiritual Help: Nothing is more central to Chaplains than assisting people in their relationship with God.  Chaplains have skills and knowledge to assist you in your spiritual walk.

2. Decisions: Big decisions of life are important.  Sometimes you need someone to help guide you.  God never intended that we should make decisions alone. Chaplains can help you discover alternatives in your decision-making process.  Chaplains are granted confidentiality by the UCMJ.

3. Pressure/Stress: Chaplains can help you ease inner pressure and frustrations which your duties and/or separation adjustments may be causing. The Chaplain can offer advice and alternatives of which you may not have been aware.

4. Problems/Concerns: There are times when we need someone to talk to about life situations, or things that are "bugging us." Chaplains may act as your advocate in a non-judgmental and confidential atmosphere.

5. Engagement & Marriage: Chaplains gladly provide premarital counseling and assistance in planning your wedding.  The wedding is a religious service of worship where the marriage couple makes their promises to each other in the context of a community of faith. Weddings need to be planned well in advance.  Check with a Chaplain of your faith for specific requirements. 

6. New Family Members: When families are enlarged through birth or adoption, you may want to follow the practices of your faith in dedicating or baptizing the child. Check with a Chaplain of your faith for specific requirements.

7. Family Problems: When marriages fall on hard times, individuals often do not seek help until it is too late. Most Chaplains have training in marriage and family counseling. They can help you work through your problems or refer you to other sources of professional help.

8. Hospitalization: Let your Chaplain know if you or your family member has or will be admitted to the hospital. The Chaplain would like to bring the comfort of God's love to your hospital room – especially prior to surgery. 

9. Death: Chaplains can offer the presence and comfort to help you work through grieving the death of a loved one. When called upon, Chaplains conduct funeral and memorial services. 

10. When Someone Else You Know Needs Help: Many people are reluctant to seek help when they need it.  Please be alert to the needs of those around you. Chaplains are responsible for everyone, including those who have no religious affiliation.  As an Air Force member, you can make a difference by referring a friend to the Chaplain of your choice.

Who are your Chaplains & Religious Affairs Airmen?

Wing Chaplain, Samuel Smith

Staff Chaplain, Charlie Dey

SSgt Brandon Eastland, Religious Affairs Airman               

SSgt Weston Baker, Religious Affairs Airman


Ch. Sam Smith


Ch. Charlie Dey