
Photo of a recycling bin containing shredded paper superimposed on a photo of the Earth.Supporting the 131st Mission through Sound Environmental Stewardship

The U.S. Air Force and Air National Guard Environmental teams are recognized as world leaders, with environmental stewardship woven into the heart of the Total Force (TFI) mission. The Environmental Office's mission is to provide support through sound environmental stewardship.

The four pillars of the environmental mission are quality, conservation and planning, pollution prevention, and restoration.

Base Environmental works with all elements, regulatory agencies and the community to ensure the job gets done in a sustainable manner. By working cooperatively, the Whiteman team and its 131st elements throughout the state will continue to comply with environmental laws, preserve the natural environment, and accomplish its mission.

Whiteman AFB Environmental Info

perfluorinated compounds (PFOS/PFOA)

The 131st Bomb Wing takes our responsibility to serve the communities where we live very seriously. There's been a lot of information in the news about perfluorinated compounds (PFOS and PFOA) and we want to make sure you know what the Air Force is doing about this issue.

Please click here for the Air Force response to PFOS and PFOA, and links to other pertinent information:

Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for Jefferson Barracks Installation Development

The National Guard Bureau has prepared an Environmental Assessment, which is enclosed with this letter and incorporated by reference, to consider the potential consequences to the human and natural environment associated with required facility and infrastructure improvement projects at the Jefferson Barracks Air National Guard Station, St. Louis County, Missouri.

Please click the link below for further information:

Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for an Environmental Assessment Addressing Installation Development at Jefferson Barracks Air National Guard Station, St. Louis, Missouri


Draft Environmental Assessment addressing installation development at Jefferson Barracks ANGS

The 131st Bomb Wing at Jefferson Barracks ANGS has identified priorities for installation development and proposes to implement the priority projects over the next 5 to 10 years (2024 to 2031; some projects could extend out to 2034).

Written comments and inquiries regarding this document should be directed by mail to:
Ms. Johnna Scepansky
3501 Fetchet Avenue
Joint Base Andrews MD 20762-5157

or by email at NGB.A4.A4A.NEPA.COMMENTS.Org@us.af.mil with the subject titled as ATTN: 131 BW IDP EA.

For the full report, please click the link below:

Draft Environmental Assessment Addressing Installation Development at Jefferson Barracks Air National Guard Station, St. Louis, Missouri

Community Involvement Plan